Wig Quality Control and consistent products are the most important qualities of a Jon Renau and easihair product. Therefore we have strong relations with our factories. Along with this, we also have a line of communication and feedback from our clients. Thus allowing us to produce innovative, high-quality alternative hair. We are unique in the fact that we feature 2 Quality Control departments. One at each factory (for product before it ships), and one on-site (as product enters our warehouse).
This is crucial for us to maintain our less than 1% rate of defective items. With such high-quality standards, we confidently stand behind all of our products we produce and design. Should you feel that your product is less than satisfactory, we are happy to perform our Quality Control inspection to assess any possible issues. Most items returned that are perceived to be “defective,” are easily remedied by proper care and maintenance.

Here are some helpful tips to be sure you have executed all possible solutions before returning a product to us.
• All care products and instructions were offered and explained to you upon purchase.
• Client purchased and properly used all recommended care products in our range.
• HD frizzing: HD Smooth & Heat Treat Thermal Spray were used; flat ironing in small sections in the affected areas was attempted. Areas with severe frizzing were steamed by a professional.
• Human hair frizzing: All Argan Smooth products were used. Blow drying section by section was completed with a boar-bristle round brush. A flat iron or curling iron was used to help smooth hair.
If you feel that all necessary steps were taken and satisfaction with the item is still not achieved. We are happy to perform our Quality Control inspection for the item in question.
1. Reads and fully understands the issue(s) at hand. A follow-up call to better understand the issue(s) may take place.
2. The item is compared against our control sample. As well as 3 other items in the same colour/style from different lot numbers (if available).
3. Therefore, if a problem exists, our product development team and our factory will be notified.
4. If the item is deemed not defective, the item is returned to you. (at your cost)
5. A detailed report from Quality Control, explaining their findings and recommendations will be sent to you.
Official Jon Renau Agents
Wigs.co.za are the only official Jon Renau agents in South Africa.
We have agents nationwide and we are sure to have one near you.
Please look at our Stockists Search to find yours today.
Our Jon Renau Quality Control process has been created after many years of experience in manufacturing hairpieces.
Wig Quality Control at the Fascinations Wig Boutique
Hair loss can be a personal matter and for this reason, we have a bespoke wig boutique where you are able to try on various wig styles in comfort and in our private consultation rooms and see the Wig Quality Control measures we have put in place.
During your consultation, we will go over all aspects of the wig or topper you are enquiring about. From the materials used to make the piece and the cap construction, right through to the colours and lengths that the piece you have chosen comes in. We are confident that we will find the perfect wig or hair topper to suit you and your lifestyle.
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