Absolutely Everything You Need to Know About Wearing a Wig
Do you ever ask yourself the following? What can I do to help my wig stay on better? There are a few ways to help your wig feel more “snug” and properly fitted to your head. It is most important to choose a wig that fits. You will want to be sure to have accurate measurements of your head (see Measuring Chart), best results from your wig specialist. Choose the wig size that matches closest to your measurements. Some alterations can be made by your wig specialist if needed. A great product from Jon Renau is Headline It! A moisture-wicking liner that is adhered to the inside of your wig (or hat, helmet, etc.) can help to keep your wig from slipping back.

Measurement Guide
By following these steps you will have a perfectly fitted wig.

Ultimate Wig Measurement guide
Is there anything I can do to help with the occasional discomfort of wearing a wig?
Jon Renau features many different products to help make wearing your wig more comfortable. A few include the Cotton Wig Liner. Worn inside your wig. Therefore it’ll give a soft and comfortable barrier in between you and your wig. If your wig feels a little loose? Use the Jon Renau Wig Grip Band. A silicone band that is worn around the circumference of your head and fastens with Velcro. This can also help alleviate any discomfort from pressure points on the head. Wig liners and Headline It! can also help your wig stay on more securely, and provide extra comfort to those experiencing sensitivity to wearing a wig.
How often should I wash my wig?
Jon Renau recommends washing your wig every 6-8 wears.
Environment, styling product use. Along with your general lifestyle, must be considered.

Can I sleep in my wig?
Jon Renau does not recommend sleeping in your wig, extensions, or hair system. This can lessen the integrity of the fibre/human hair and cap, and also cause tangling. We recommend wearing a soft cap or scarf while sleeping and storing your hair system on a wig stand or mannequin overnight.
Can I cut the lace front on my SmartLace wig?
The welded lace on Jon Renau’s SmartLace wigs is pre-cut and ready to wear out of the box. We do not recommend cutting this lace. If absolutely necessary, we recommend taking your wig to your wig specialist. Here they will use pinking shears to properly cut the lace as desired. View our article on Smartlace Wigs.
If I need the bangs (fringe) trimmed on my wig, can I cut them myself?
If any part of your wig needs adjusting, whether it’s the hair or the cap itself. Jon Renau recommends seeing a professional wig specialist for this type of service. Your wig specialist will be able to properly give you the style and fit you are looking for.
What kind of products should I use to care for my synthetic wig?
We recommend using the Jon Renau Shampoo range for Synthetic Fiber, along with the Jon Renau Conditioning Spray for Synthetic Fiber. HD Smooth Detangler works great on all synthetic fibres. And can be used daily to help keep the fibres from tangling and frizzing.
What kind of products should I use to care for my human hair wig?
For human hair wigs and hair systems, Jon Renau recommends using the Human Hair Care Kit, featuring everything you will need to care for human hair. The Jon Renau Argan Smooth Shampoo and Conditioner are formulated to cleanse and condition alternative hair and will help it maintain its integrity. The Human Hair Care Kit also features the Heat Treat Thermal Styling Spray. Which protects human hair and HD fibre from heat styling by putting a protective barrier in between the hair/fibre and the heat-styling tool.
The Argan Treatment Mist is a great product to use before blow-drying to help cut down drying time and smooth the hair. It can be used after styling to help with any frizz and give the hair a healthy sheen. The Argan Treatment Mist can also be used as a deep conditioning treatment when blended together with the Argan smooth Conditioner, (see Human Hair Care & Styling page). The Jon Renau 3-Way Versatile Hair Spray is a wonderful working spray, finishing spray, and super hold.
How long will my wig take to dry after washing?
This depends upon your particular wig fibre. A wig can take anywhere from 12-24 hours to dry completely. Synthetic and HD fibres do not absorb water and will dry much faster than human hair, yet the cap materials will hold water and take longer to dry. Jon Renau and easihair recommend that you allow your synthetic and HD fibre care products to air dry naturally on a wig stand. Use your blow dryer and heat styling tools to dry your human hair products to maintain smooth and manageable hair.
What temperature should I use on my HD wig?
Jon Renau’s HD fibre can withstand temperatures up to 175º C. Yet you will find that a great “working temperature” is anywhere between 130º-140º C.
Am I able to blow dry my HD wig?
Although you are able to blow dry your HD products. Jon Renau and easihair recommend that you allow this fibre to air dry naturally for best results. Since it is a synthetic fiber. It is not porous and cannot absorb water. This means that the hair fibre of your wig/extensions will dry quickly (about an hour.) If you do wish to use a blow dryer to speed things up. We recommend using a cool temperature setting and ONLY your wide tooth comb to style. Be sure to use your HD Smooth Detangler!
Can I colour/perm my human hair wig/hairpiece?
Industry wide we DO NOT recommend colouring or perming ANY human hair products. Most factories use a textile-like dye on all human hair after it’s been lightened. This is to guarantee the colour won’t fade. This type of dye is very difficult to remove and does not react well with human hair chemical services. However, Jon Renau does offer an exclusive colour collection called “RN” (Renau Naturals) that does not contain any added dyes.
This will allow hair professionals the option to lift and/or deposit up to 2-3 levels on these specific colours: 4RN, 6RN, 8RN, FS12/26RN, 24B22RN. Chemically altering your human hair systems in any way is always a risk and can lower the integrity and condition of the hair. Due to the use of textile-like dyes in the processing of human hair.
We ONLY recommend colouring, lightening (bleaching) or perming human hair on the European Wig Collection, and styles that are available in the RN colours (Renau Naturals). Please contact your account manager for more information.
Where do I attach my easiVolume by Jon Renau?
EasiVolume is designed to be attached at the back of the head. Just on or near the occipital bone of the head. It is a single piece with a honeycomb weft that will add volume and fullness to fine, thin hair. It is important that your easiVolume pieces match the length of your natural hair. Don’t get pieces longer than it. As it is designed to add fullness, not length. If you are looking to add length to your natural hair, we recommend the easiXtend in either human hair or HD fibre.

What is the difference between all of the wig caps?
Why would you choose one over another?
The style and cap construction you chose will depend greatly on your client and their needs. There are a few things that generally are deciding factors for a client choosing a wig.
Temporary hair loss
Permanent hair loss
For clients looking to purchase a wig for temporary hair loss. With a smaller budget and low maintenance. We recommend the Classic or O’solite cap constructions. These are both fully wefted caps. A design this is easy to care for and wear. They also offer a lower price point.
Generally, the more natural a wig looks, and the more labor that is involved, the higher the cost. A Mono Top wig will give the client a natural appearance of hair growth at the top, allowing multi-directional parting. 100% hand-tied caps will give the client the most natural look and feel, mimicking natural hair growth throughout. SmartLace technology is exclusive to Jon Renau, giving the most natural-looking hairline, without the need of adhesives, tape, or cutting of the lace. SmartLace is featured in our O’solite, Mono Top, and 100% hand-tied cap constructions.
Do Jon Renau wigs stay on without tape or adhesive?
Yes, all Jon Renau wigs are designed to be worn without the need of tape or adhesive. However, you can use them if extra security of the wig is needed. Jon Renau offers different tapes for different base materials. As well as polyurethane tabs. These are can be sewn into the cap wherever tape or adhesive is desired. The adhesive is also available, but for professional use only.
Can you use Argan Smooth products on synthetic hair?
Jon Renau does not recommend using Argan Smooth products on synthetic hair. Due to the fact that the fiber cannot absorb this product. The Argan Smooth products are specifically formulated to help support human hair, not synthetic or HD fibre.
What is the life expectancy of a synthetic wig?
With proper care and maintenance, a synthetic wig that is worn daily can last anywhere from 6-9 months and upwards. This will greatly depend on the care that is taken of the wig. The cap construction and base material will play a large part in this. The more natural a system looks, the less durable it is.
What is the life expectancy of a human hair wig?
Human hair wigs that are worn every day can generally last 6-9 months and upwards. This all is dependent on care and maintenance. The cap construction and base material will play a large part in this. The more natural a system looks, the less durable it is.
What does “Remy” human hair mean?
Remy human hair is hair that is collected and sorted uniformly from multiple sources, with root and tip end running in the same direction so that the cuticle runs in the same direction. This is a very tedious and time-consuming process for factories. This is why the cost is higher for a Remy Human Hair wig.

What does it mean if a human hair wig is “pre-permed?”
Pre-perming is a process done in the factory to certain human hair systems that chemically change the curl pattern. This is featured in our SmartLace Kate and Angie wigs. It assists in holding curl and movement to the hairstyle due to their longer hair length.
If you wash a curly HD wig, will the hair hold its curl pattern after washing?
Yes. All synthetic and high heat fibres have a “baked-in” curl pattern and style to the hair. They will not react to moisture. HD fibre will not change its style until manipulated with heat (i.e. curling irons, flat irons, etc.)
What tape or adhesive should I buy?
Tape and adhesives are made to adhere to different materials. You should choose one that works with the base type of the system you want to apply it to (i.e. lace tape for lace base). It is advised to seek the help of a professional hair replacement technician for further help.
Do the wigs contain latex?
The base materials of our wigs and wig caps do not contain latex. If the lace on your SmartLace wig is irritating the skin underneath. It could be for a number of reasons. One reason could be that the wig fitting/size is not correct for your head. If the wig is too loose, it can move around and cause scratching to the skin. If the wig is too small and tight on the head, the extra pressure can also cause discomfort. This is one reason why it is important to have a correctly sized and fitted wig. Hypoallergenic talcum powder (available in the wig wand) applied under the SmartLace front can help with irritation.
My wig is too large/small…What can I do?
If your wig is too large/small, you can have adjustments made to the cap. This is similar to taking your clothes to be altered by a tailor. You can take your wig to a stylist or alterations professional and have it altered to fit your head shape/size. They will measure your head and see where the wig needed altering and create the perfect fit for you. The Sure-Grip Band can also help if your wig is too big. Done by filling in some spaces and allowing the wig to grip better.
Our Video will explain how to do this properly for the correct measurement.
How should I store my hair system when I am not wearing it?
Your hair system can be stored in between wearing on a mannequin head or a wig stand. This will make sure that the style and cap stay in their original form. Be sure to gently comb out your hair system before storing for optimal results.
For long-term storage, your system is best kept in its original packaging in a safe, dry, cool place.
What should I do if I want to return a Jon Renau | easihair purchase?
Jon Renau allows you to return a product. As long as all packaging (labels, tissue paper, box, etc.) are present. You must also obtain a Return Authorization Number from your Account Manager and use it to return the item(s) you wish to send back. If you bring back a product that you feel is “defective,”
we will gladly send it to our Quality Control department for inspection.
Upon inspection, a report will be created and sent back to you with the product if no defect or issue is found. If a defect is found? We will replace the product or refund the amount, including freight charges. All returns are subject to approval by your Account Manager.
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